Community Safeguarding Panel

The Birmingham community safeguarding Panel is set up and run by KIKIT for the following purpose and objectives:

  • To increase understanding of statutory and legislative expectations within the community.
  • To improve community confidence in statutory safeguarding processes.
  • To provide community intelligence for evidence-led local commissioning.
  • To broaden the scope of informal and formal safeguarding referral pathways.
  • To develop the safeguarding skills and capability of CSP members, and wider community networks.
  • To develop early help interventions to appropriately safeguard individuals and the wider community.
  • To improve cooperation between community and statutory partners to ensure local residents are safeguarded.


  • To develop effective partnership arrangements between the statutory and voluntary community sector.
  • To serve as a source of expert advice and support to statutory safeguarding forums.
  • To ensure a community-led response is considered.
  • Increase activity in safeguarding situations where community safety or confidence is at risk.
  • To ensure the most effective and sufficient intervention is provided to those that need safeguarding.
  • To ensure that the community is aware of all local and city-wide interventions available to them.
  • Facilitate support for individuals and families at the earliest and most localised level possible, avoiding the need for crisis intervention.

Community Safety Services

Community Outreach Service

Allowing us to find the most vulnerable on the streets who haven’t yet engaged with us.

KIKIT Gang Prevention

This project was instrumental in tackling why young people felt the need to join a gang.